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Burns First Aid for Parents

Burns First Aid for Parents

As parents, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our little ones. Despite our best efforts to create a safe environment, accidents can happen, and burns are some of the most common injuries among children. Knowing how to provide immediate and effective first aid for burns can make a significant difference in your child's recovery and comfort.

It can literally mean the difference between your child requiring skin grafts or not.

Remember to always REMOVE, COOL, COVER & SEEK:

🔸 Remove yourself and your child from danger:
Immediately remove yourself and your child away from the source of the burn to prevent further injury.
🔸 Remove clothing and jewellery:
Carefully take off any clothing or jewellery from the burnt area unless it is stuck to the skin. If the clothing is stuck, cut around it to avoid causing more damage. Most burns in children are a result of hot drinks spilling on them, so don't forget to remove that nappy because it will be absorbing all of that hot liquid!

2️⃣ COOL
🔸 Cool the burn: Place the burnt area under cool running water for at least 20 minutes. This helps reduce the temperature of the burn and alleviates pain.
🔸 Avoid hypothermia: While cooling the burn, ensure the rest of your child remains warm to prevent hypothermia. Remember, ‘cool the burn, not the child’. If needed, you can do the cooling in small increments.
🔸 Timely cooling: Perform cooling within the first 3 hours of the burn. The sooner you start cooling, the better it is for minimising damage.

🔸 Cover the burn: Use a clean, lint-free dressing or cling wrap to cover the burn. Lay the cling wrap over in sheets rather than wrapping tightly, as the burnt area will swell and tight wrapping can restrict circulation.

4️⃣ SEEK
Seek medical advice if the burn is:
🔸 On the face, hands, lap or feet: These areas are particularly sensitive and require professional care.
🔸 Bigger than a 20 cent coin: Larger burns need more attention to prevent complications.
🔸 Blistered: Blisters can indicate a more serious burn, which can be prone to more damage to the skin layers and potential infection.

Burns can be a distressing experience for both children and parents. By following these first aid steps, you can help manage the immediate aftermath of a burn and improve your child's chances of a swift recovery. Always remember to seek medical advice if you have any concerns about the severity of the burn or the healing process!

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